How to win with a smaller roster

I want to share a powerful lesson I learned from having a smaller roster. Sometimes, having fewer players can be a blessing in disguise. Here's what worked for my team this year and how it can work for you too.

#1 Accountability, Nobody Gets Away With Anything

With a smaller team, accountability becomes non-negotiable. Every player is under the spotlight, and nobody gets away with anything. This heightened sense of responsibility pushes everyone to give more, to dig deeper. When every action counts, players realize that their efforts—or lack thereof—directly impact the team.

#2 Everyone Gives More

With that, we didn't just ask our players to perform; we pushed them to exceed their limits. A smaller roster means each athlete must step up, take on more responsibility, and deliver their best every single day. This drive creates a culture where mediocrity is not an option. Everyone is expected to lead by example, setting a high standard for effort and commitment.

#3 Lead from the Front

Encouraging players to lead from the front was a game-changer. In a smaller team, leaders naturally emerge, and their influence is felt more intensely. We motivated our guys to take ownership, to inspire their teammates through actions and words. Leadership is contagious, and when it's fostered, it spreads throughout the team.

#4 Eliminate Negativity and Speak Wisdom

Negativity can be a team's downfall, especially when the roster is tight. We made it a priority to eliminate negative attitudes and toxic behaviors. Instead, we focused on speaking wisdom into our players. We uplifted them, built their confidence, and instilled a positive mindset. This approach transformed our team dynamics, creating a supportive and empowering environment.

#5 Become a Family

Above all, we became a family. A smaller team allows for stronger bonds to form. We knew each other well, trusted each other deeply, and supported each other unconditionally. This unity was our greatest strength. When you play for your family, you play with heart, passion, and determination. And that's why we won.

To all the coaches and players out there with smaller rosters, embrace it. Use it to your advantage. Focus on accountability, push for more, encourage leadership, eliminate negativity, and build a family. These principles will transform your team and lead you to success.

Stay driven, stay united, and lock in!


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